Safety Contract

SAFETY RULES/CONTRACT – 8th Grade Science                                                         Student Name: _____________________

1. Always obtain your teacher's permission before beginning an activity.

2.  Study the procedure. If you have questions, ask your teacher.

  • Use the safety equipment provided for you.
    Goggles and a safety apron should be worn
    when any activity calls for using chemicals.
  • Always focus on your lab activity and do not engage in inappropriate behavior.
  • Never eat or drink in the lab, and never use
    lab glassware as food or drink containers.
    Never inhale chemicals. Do not taste any
    substance or draw any material into a tube
    with your mouth.


  • If you spill any chemical on your skin, wash it off immediately with water. Report the spill immedi­ately to your teacher.
  • Know the location and proper use of the fire extinguisher, safety shower, fire blanket, first aid kit, and fire alarm.
    • Keep all materials away from open flames.
      Tie back long hair and loose clothing.
    • If a fire should break out in the classroom,
      or if your clothing should catch fire,
      smother it with the fire blanket or a coat,
      or get under a safety shower. NEVER RUN.

10. Report any accident or injury, no matter how small, to your teacher.


First aid


Safe response


Apply cold water. Call your teacher immediately.

Cuts and bruises

Stop any bleeding by applying direct pressure. Cover cuts with a clean dressing. Apply cold compresses to bruises. Call your teacher immedi­ately.


Leave the person lying down. Loosen any tight clothing and keep crowds away. Call your teacher immediately.

Foreign matter in eye

Flush with plenty of water. Use eyewash bottle or fountain.


Note the suspected poisoning agent and call your teacher immediately.

Any spills on skin

Flush with large amounts of water or use safety shower. Call your teacher immediately.



I have read the first aid information listed above. I have discussed the information with my parent.  I recognize my responsibility and pledge to observe all the safety rules in the science classroom.



______________________                                        _____________________

Student Signature and Date                                           Parent Signature and Date